Barnbrook Briefs – Evaluation and Reflection

1) Visual Communication:

In what ways does the visual communication/message of the piece meet the needs of the brief?

I feel that the visual communication /message meets the needs of the brief by the way I only used type to give a message and to show my feelings about the message. The brief was in two parts. For part 1 I chose to design a memorial plaque using typography to sum up my life. I designed my plaque on a cement grey background.  I designed a plaque to be put on a gravestone because even though I do not want to be buried my family are Catholic and so I feel I should. I used a gold colour for the etching so that it stands out and is easy to read. I put my name at the top in capital letters and then below this the date I was born and died. I kept my epitaph short and simple because I believe that people do not need to visit a grave stone to remember me but if they do I want them to smile and to remember me as someone who enjoyed having fun.

For the second part of the brief I chose to design a A2 poster on How to make an Atom Bomb. The poster had to be A2 in size, I was only allowed to use a maximum of two colours and my design had to reflect my own interpretation of the words, showing the origin of the text and its tone and whether I agree with it or not. I chose wording from a poster designed by Barnbrook on how to make an atom bomb. I placed the text used by Barnbrook in black on how to make an atom bomb and my feelings about this in red. I used black for the method of making an atom bomb because I wanted the message to be factual. I used red text for my thoughts running down the middle of the page connecting the top box on the left-hand side of the page to the bottom box on the right-hand side of the page using red type to show that I feel that atom bombs are lethal and kill.

In what ways does the visual communication/message of the piece fail to meet the needs of the brief?

I feel that the communication message does not fail to meet the brief because throughout the designing process I got feedback from different people and they understood the message I was trying to communicate through my choice of type and the way I laid it out as well as the colours I chose but I do understand that different people can read different meanings into the message I am trying to give.

What are the strengths of the visual communication? Why?

I feel the strengths of the visual communication is the way I used the balance of type and my choice of colour as well as the style of type to communicate my feelings about death and atomic bombs. I feel that I did this by the way I designed my poster and memorial, the style of type as well as the tone of type.

What are the weaknesses of the visual communication? Why?

I feel that I could have used more variety in shading and layout of the type.

In what ways could the piece be mis-read or mis-understood by the audience? Be specific about who the audience is.

The target audience may misinterpret the message I am giving by misinterpreting the message by my choice of typeface and colour I used.

2) Good Design? Evaluation

In what ways did you consider Designing Backwards or application of Systems Thinking to your project?

 We were given the brief which explained what the outcome must be which allowed me to start getting ideas of an outcome. I then prepared hand drawn plans of my designs for the poster and memorial. I looked at how other typography posters and memorials.

I then did mock-ups on the computer and chose the one I felt would work the best and then refined it after getting feedback from different class members and my tutors.

In what other ways have you considered the sustainability of your project process and outcomes?

I thought about the sustainability of my project process and outcomes by recording all the design process steps I did on my blog instead of printing all the stages. This will keep the information safe so that I can look back at it for future projects when needed. I also considered the types of ink I used when printing as well as recycling paper etc.

In what ways have you considered the ethical implications of your project process and outcomes?

 Under the ethical implications I had to make sure that the work was my own so that I did not break any copy right laws.

In sustainability and ethical terms in what ways was your work in this project an improvement or a backward step for you as a socially conscious designer?

As a socially conscious designer I need to be aware that the message and design I put across is ethically and morally good. The message I was trying to give would improve the environment and our way of thinking about each other and different situations. I must be able to get my message across without causing offense to anyone. I feel my work was a step forward as it was honest and non-offensive. I also did most of my work on the computer saving on paper and printing costs and so saving the environment – trees need to be cut down for paper. By working on a blog my work will not get lost or damaged and I, as well as others can use it for future projects making it more sustainable.

What targets can you make at this point for your work in the future as a socially conscious designer?

I feel I should always be aware that the message I give is ethically and morally correct as well as environmentally friendly. I must be more aware of the effects of paper wastage and ink wastage has on the environment and the effects my message is giving as design is a very powerful tool.

3) Reflection of own working practices:

How was my time keeping?

I felt my time keeping was good. Before I started the project, I printed a schedule of what I needed to do and by when, I managed to keep to this schedule which allowed me enough time to get feedback from people and do improvements to my poster and memorial.

How was my analysis of the brief?

I felt I understood the brief well because it was clear, and my tutors explained the brief to me. I could go to them for help if I did not understand something.

How was my research?

I felt I did a lot of research into typographic posters and memorials. I also did research by getting people’s opinions by asking them how the poster and memorial made them feel and what they thought the message was that I was trying to communicate.

How did I draw conclusions from my research?

I draw conclusions from my research by making a hand drawn mock for each poster and memorial by using ideas I got my research. I then asked people for their views on the poster and memorial and from this I made improvements to my work.

How did I use research to generate and develop ideas?

I used my research to give me ideas of how to design my poster and memorial.

How did I use evaluations to help with my ideas generation and development?

I used the evaluations to help me make changes that would improve my poster and memorial.

How did I use experimentation during the project? How can I make this more effective?

I made a hand drawn plan of what I wanted my poster and memorial to look like. I then designed the mock ups on the computer using Photoshop and Illustrator. From this I then chose the design I felt happiest with and continued working on it. Throughout the designing I asked people for their opinions on the design and made changes that I thought would improve the design.

In what ways did I show that I had achieved the Learning Outcomes? How can I improve this next time?

I showed I had achieved the learning outcomes by completing an evaluation of my work and showing my thought process by completing blogs for the different stages of the design.

What parts of the project did I enjoy most? Why was this the case?

I enjoyed researching topographic posters because it showed me how designers can give a message by laying out type and the colours and shading used.

What parts of the project did I enjoy least? Why was this the case?

I did not enjoy writing the blog as English is my weak point, but I do understand why I must do it and feel like I am improving the more I do it

At what times did I work best? Why might this be the case? How can I ensure that I work well at all times?

I worked better at home as I had less distractions that I would at university, but I feel I am getting better at working with people around me. I feel that in future I must learn to focus on what I need to do and not on other things going on around me.

What areas were challenging or difficult? Why was this the case?

Researching written work rather than just images. English is my weakest point and I need to motivate myself to read more and write more about what I have learnt on my blog. I need to spend time doing the parts of the task that I do not enjoy and not only focus on the parts that I enjoy such as designing the work.



Barnbrook Briefs – Memorial Final with Evaluation


I designed my epitaph on a cement grey background.  I designed a plaque to be put on a gravestone because even though I do not want to be buried my family are Catholic and so I feel I should. I used a gold colour for the etching so that it stands out and is easy to read. I put my name at the top in capital letters and then below this the date I was born and died. I kept my epitaph short and simple because I believe that people do not need to visit a grave stone to remember me but if they do I want them to smile and to remember me as someone who enjoyed having fun.